2025 Application for Assistance Opens Nov. 1, 2025 - Dec. 1, 2025
2025 Application for Assistance Opens Nov. 1, 2025 - Dec. 1, 2025
Ho Ho Ho & Merry CHRISTmas from the Lincoln Park Goodfellows
Santa and all of his helpers here at the Lincoln Park Goodfellows, would like to send out HUGE Thank you to all of our long time major supporters of the Lincoln Park Goodfellows.
Without all of you, our motto of "No child Without a CHRISTmas" would not be possible.
Santa wishes to graciously say THANK YOU the following for their continued efforts in making sure
"No Child Without A CHRISTmas" rings true in Lincoln Park.
Lincoln Park Public Schools along with the entire teaching staff and student body, The News Herald Newspaper, Chapatwala Family McDonald's Restaurants, City of Lincoln Park, Lincoln Park Police Department and their families, Lincoln Park Fire Department, DBC America Marketing and Modeling, Meijer, Shielded Souls, Ozzy RE-Bourne Tribute Band, Lincoln Park Credit Union, Lincoln Park Exchange Club, Lincoln Park Chamber of Commerce and especially Fantasy Land. Including so many private donors and volunteers that wish to remain anonymous.
We all know that without "Santa's Helpers," our motto, "No Child Without A CHRISTmas" would not ring true!
As we all prepare to celebrate the birth of Christ, spending time with our families and friends, I hope you all take a second, slow down and think about those that need a little assistance this CHRISTmas. This uncertainty in the world has caused struggle to put food on the table, clothing on their child's back or roof over their families heads. Making tough decisions to pay bills or to put food on the table is the toughest decision we have heard already this season. This is why the Goodfellows do what we do. We help put food on the table for a Christmas dinner, clothing to keep families warm and a gift or two under the tree for those children on CHRISTmas morning. There will always be obstacles that life throws at us but trust in your faith, continue to do what's right, and know that you can overcome those obstacles. The Lincoln Park Goodfellows have always known that when difficult obstacles arise, we will always find a way to make sure that No Child Goes Without A CHRISTmas! So please, be as generous as you can when you pass by and see all of our volunteers that will be out selling the Goodfellow newspapers on the street corners of Lincoln Park throughout the entire month of December.
We have all come across a family that we think could use a little help getting by, but fear of getting involved or possibly "hurting someone's pride" may have hindered your intentions. You can still help by making a donation and passing along the family's info to us and yet, still remain anonymous. There are so many good people out there that want to help, but just don't know where to start. You can help out in several ways. Donating your time selling newspapers on the streets of Lincoln Park or donating in any monetary form, be it cash, check or gift card.
Please feel free to reach out to us to find ways you can help.
The past several years, there has been so much turmoil and uncertainty in this world, so please remember all of our First Responders protecting us from home and afar. May God Bless them and keep them safe!
Have a Blessed & Merry Christmas!
May God Bless all of you,
Donations can be mailed to:
Lincoln Park Goodfellows
PO Box 43
Lincoln Park, MI 48146
Please make checks payable to Lincoln Park Goodfellows
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